Degrees Of Truth: la band si scioglie
Come un fulmine a ciel sereno, i milanesi Degrees Of Truth hanno annunciato l’imminente scioglimento della band. A comunicarlo sulle proprie piattaforme social è stata proprio la vocalist, Claudia Beltrame, che così ha commentato, con dispiacere, la sfortunata notizia:
“Dear friends, I am deeply sorry to inform you that Degrees of Truth have disbanded.
After just one year since the release of ‘Alchemists’, my colleagues expressed their will to permanently end the project. I tried everything in my power to keep us working towards new music and new prospects, but I must accept their final decision. This has nothing to do with our internal relationships or our personal lives, it’s about the struggles inside the underground metal scene.
Degrees of Truth have been, without doubt, the most important musical experience of my life so far and I will always cherish all the wonderful memories we collected through the last 4 years.
They taught me that I can be a proper songwriter and lyricist, that I have good ideas, that I’m not just a performer but an artist; with them I partially got rid of my imposter syndrome that had been heavily afflicting me in the past. I am still conscious of my own limitations, but at the same time I’m aware that my determination and my skills were crucial factors in most of our achievements during our time together. ‘Alchemists’ is our child, our work of art, and even if we’re not gonna perform the songs live ever again, no one can take back what it means to us.
There was to be no official band statement about the ending of Degrees of Truth, but I think it’s my duty to keep you followers up to date. I just can’t let everything fade away in silence. It’s not what this 10-year-long project deserves. It’s not what you brave supporters deserve.
I am extremely grateful to my fellow alchemists Gianluca, Daniele, Lorenzo and Luca for their talent, their efforts, for their smiles and for all the time spent together, good or bad. I wish them the best of luck with their future endeavors.
As for me, I simply cannot live without making music: it’s essential, like breathing. It’s hard, but it’s too early for me to give up, even if it’s been a difficult time on a personal level.
I’m willing to find new ways to keep singing and creating, if it’s necessary.
I’m open to new collabs, new projects, everything out there that’s worthwhile and meaningful, as I still have many things to say before leaving the scene.
We’ll see what the future will bring. You’ll definitely hear from me again.
Thank you for your amazing support. I’ll miss every minute I spent on stage, looking you guys in the eye, smiling back at you, watching you sing our lyrics. You are a special crowd.
I hope you will “Follow me, in this dream of a Promised Land”, wherever it leads me.
Love, Claudia”
La band, al contrario, non ha ancora diffuso alcun comunicato stampa in merito alla vicenda; pertanto si attende una comunicazione ufficiale anche da parte dei restanti membri del gruppo.
L’ultimo album, “Alchemists“, è uscito a giugno dello scorso anno via Scarlet Records.
Questa la copertina e la tracklist dell’album:

1 Imperfect Concoction
2 Godless Symphony
3 Over the Tide
4 Flightmare
5 Wreckage of a Lifetime
6 Misconnection
7 Tiny Box of Horrors
8 Thread of Life
9 Bound to Rise (featuring Richard Henshall/Haken)
10 Alchemists
I Degrees Of Truth sono:
Claudia Beltrame – voce
Daniele Brianza – chitarra, ukulele
Gianluca Parnisari – tastiere, piano, percussioni
Lorenzo Corsalini – basso
Luca Ravezzani – batteria
Segui la band sui suoi canali ufficiali: